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Neuro-Educational Evaluation: What It Is and Its Benefits

Do you know what neuro-educational evaluation is? How crucial this test is to the educational progress and condition of children? Read on if you want to know more about neuro-educational evaluation as well as its benefits.

Nowadays, neuro-educational assessments are not only carried out for medical purposes but also for educational purposes as well. This test is carried out by many because of the numerous benefits they can reap from it and some of these are further detailed below.

What Neuro-Educational Evaluation Is?

When we talk of neuro-educational evaluation, we refer to an evaluation technique that combines neuropsychological and conventional psychoeducational assessments to determine the child’s neurological/medical conditions and its implications on his or her educational progress. This is necessary so as to know the intricate neuropsychological function patterns and their implications on children’s school and learning performance. Moreover, the neuro-educational test is different from that of the conventional psychoeducational evaluation in the manner of interpretation. In neuro-educational tests, data is deduced according to behavior-brain relations. Technically speaking, they assess the functions of the brain and how it impacts children’s behavior and learning. This test is taken to know if the child is done to know if he or she suffers from different neurological disorders such as congenital damage of the brain, traumatic injury of the brain, hydrocephalus, spina bifida, brain tumors, genetic abnormalities, seizures, and hypoxia/anoxia. This kind of medical assessment can also be taken to know various medical disorders, effects of environmental neurotoxins, and unexplainable and sudden decline of their academic achievements.

Neuro-educational assess is also done to assess the child’s development in different areas like processing speed, sensory-motor processes, attention regulation, auditory processing, reasoning, memory functions, processing speed, working memory, reasoning, general intelligence, academic skills, behavioral, emotional and social functioning, and visual-spatial processing.

What Are the Goals of Neuro-Educational Assessment?

This kind of evaluation is done by educational psychologists to help schools and families in knowing whether the child suffers from autism, ADHS, learning disability, and other conditions that can affect his or her school performance and learning.

What Are the Benefits of This Kind of Assessment?

This test is carried out to determine the learning weaknesses and strengths of children, unbiased assessment of the child’s behavioral and learning needs, and help schools and parents to formulate personalized intervention support. It will also determine the eligibility of the child for IEP, Section 504 accommodation and SAT accommodations of the College Board.

To get quality assessment and results, parents should be careful in choosing a neuro-educational assessment service providers. To help you with it, consider the tips below in locating them.

How to Find These Service Providers?

Before contracting one, parents should perform deep investigation and research to know the experienced, dependable, and licensed neuro-educational assessment providers in society. If you don’t want to undergo this process, you can get referrals and suggestions from those who have previous experience in hiring one. Should they be happy with their services, they will be happy to recommend the service providers they’ve trusted.

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