A lot of people have developed a deep interest in relation to the use of the text to speech feature in a number of the available online writing program. There is a list of benefits which can be derived from the program that many people are unaware of.
What is Text to Speech?
In case you interact with individuals with learning difficulties, most of them are unaware of the potential they can harness from the text to speech program. For further clarity, the text to speech program is part of a new technology that converts written words to speech.
This makes use of computer speakers which allows the writer to hear the text they have written. There is still a hot debate on the practicability of the text to speech with the rise of the technology in use.
What are the Benefits?
Many people think that the text to speech feature only provides the ability to hear the text which is further written. Even though this stands as a benefit, there are actually many more benefits associated with the basis of text to speech.
While using the online writing program, students with dyslexia are able to write a sentence and further list it as their writing. This creates the possibility of deciding whether they have composed the writings in the correct manner.
When they are unsure, the learners can further select a word from the list which has alternative choices which is further supported by the text to speech for swapping into the sentence. This makes it very practicable use.
Apart from the text to speech offering the ability in enhancing the sentence correction, it additionally sorts out writers struggling with pronunciation of words. The users are also enabled to hear the proper pronunciation of the words.
This is very helpful in ensuring the building of proper speech and also enhanced literacy skills. When using the text to speech program, users are also able to watch the word being read as it is highlighted and enables the user to visually identify and match the sounds to words.
With the auditory repetition, users can with LD can benefit from hearing each word with which they struggle with. The main aim of this feature is ensuring that the users are able to improve their speech at the end of the day.
The program also offers users the ability to hear the initial sentence which has been written and read out phonetically. This is the same as the sentence with all of the suggested corrections. This makes it possible for users to identify the errors which have been made which further improves their writing. The users of the program needs to only click to the corresponding speaker icon to hear the initial sentence or part of the corrected sentence.
The online writing program offers a variety of text to speech options. Users are therefore able to increase or decrease the reading speech thus allowing them to find a comfortable pace for working for the users.