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An Alternative Source of Energy

The environment is comprised of all the things surrounding human beings, nature is beautiful and humans cannot get enough of it people travel to different far places to see wonders of nature such as wildlife, forest, mountains, oceans, waterfalls among others. Forest is the home of wild animals and also it provides food for some of them, it is also a source of herbal medicines. It is the duty of human beings to take care of the environment this is done by not throwing waste products that do not decompose or in other words good waste disposal, planting trees and flowers to beautify the environment and also acts as food for other animals and insects trees help in cleaning the air, by not applying harmful chemicals to the soil. Failure to take good care of the environment causes soil pollution, water pollution and air pollution which has to lead to global warming all this lead to poor coexistence of both the human and the animals since it reduces their life expectancy.

There are different types of energy which consist of both organic and inorganic sources. Human beings use different sources of energy for both cooking and lighting these include solar energy this is the energy from the sun where people have come up with new inventions that convert solar into different types of energy used in different fields. Wind energy comes from the wind this is done in areas where the wind is strong where it is used to turn turbines creating energy used for different purposes. Geothermal energy is gotten from below the earth which contains different layers mantle has hot rocks which are used to heat up water that produces very strong steam that is used to move the turbines from which energy such as electrical energy comes to be. In coastal areas there is a source of energy known as wave energy this is a result of ocean waves that are used to turn turbines. There is the commonly known and used source of energy known as hydroelectric energy that comes from water power in most cases dams are made and then water is released at very high velocity moving turbines hence producing energy. Biomass energy is made from organic material such as animal waste, vegetation, and coal among others, it is a commonly used source of energy in heating and lighting since it is cheap, environmentally friendly, it is renewable.

To help reduce the rate of deforestation for those poor people in rural areas who use woods and charcoal as the source of energy there is an organization that has come up with an aim of creating awareness for those people. They have a website where they post their reports after they have carried out the research. This information is aimed at equipping people with knowledge on the availability of other sources of energy that do not bring harm to the environment. With this information, the charcoal users are in a position to have another option of fuel sources hence, make an informed decisions on the type of fuel source they use. Clients can follow them through their social media platforms such as Facebook and get more information or leave their comments that will help to enlighten the readers on other options of fuel source.

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